Inclusion in Peacebuilding Panel Announcement: RESOLVE Network Conference 2024

Get ready to amplify voices and foster inclusivity! Our third panel at the RESOLVE: Network Conference 2024 is here: “Inclusion in Peacebuilding”. The panel will focus on marginalized communities and other voices often missing from the table in peacebuilding discussions. In this session, we’ll explore methods to amplify the voices and representation of marginalized groups … Continued

Remembrance and Storytelling Panel Announcement: RESOLVE Network Conference 2024

Our second panel at the RESOLVE: Network Conference 2024 is all about “Remembrance and Storytelling” in reconciliation and peacebuilding. Join us as we explore how remembrance and narratives can be transformative tools for fostering peace and understanding in conflict-affected communities. Our panel sessions aim to identify and address barriers that remembrance and narratives can sometimes … Continued

Youth in Peacebuilding Panel Announcement: RESOLVE Network Conference 2024

Introducing the First Panel for the RESOLVE: Network Conference 2024: “Youth in Peacebuilding”! Acknowledging the significant potential of youth as catalysts for change, our session aims to examine practical strategies for implementing youth-led peacebuilding initiatives. Delegates will gain insights into fostering youth participation as future sectorial leaders, ensuring that peacebuilding efforts are effective and sustainable. … Continued

RESOLVE: Network Conference – Panels Revealed

The RESOLVE: Network Conference 2024 panels have just been announced: Are you passionate about peacebuilding and eager to make a difference? AsfarEurope’s and RESOLVE: Network’s dedicated young volunteers, in partnership other peacebuilding NGOs, are crafting a one-of-a-kind event filled with keynote speakers, practical activities and insightful learning sessions. Make sure to follow us and save … Continued

Call for participants: Training Course PLAYADR in Hungary

The project PLAYADR: Promoting Learning in ADR through Youth-oriented Playful Approaches aims to equip youth workers with the knowledge and skills to use games and educational tools to teach Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) concepts to young people. The training course will be organised 8-16 August 2024 in Hollókő, Hungary. ADR stands for Alternative Dispute Resolution. … Continued

Volunteer Opportunity – apply now

Are you passionate about Peacebuilding and International development? Do you have strong project management skills and a dedication to making a positive impact in the world? Asfar is looking for a committed volunteer to join digitally our team from November 2023 to September 2024 to support the organization of our 3rd Peace Conference, this time … Continued

IOGGA2 Training Course Successfully Implemented: Empowering Gender Awareness and Fostering Unity

We are thrilled to announce that the IOGGA2 project has officially been implemented in Hungary at the end of May! This transformative training course aimed to enhance gender awareness in activities involving youth from diverse social actors in Europe and third countries. During the first day, participants from Albania, Azerbaijan, Estonia, Hungary, Italy, Spain, and … Continued

My Personal Everest Training Course Success!

We are thrilled to share the incredible success of our recent training course in Budapest! Participants from Estonia, Hungary, Albania, Italy, Portugal, Bulgaria, and Germany came together for an unforgettable experience at My Personal Everest. It was a gathering of diverse individuals, united by their passion for personal growth and artistic self-expression. Throughout the week, … Continued

Erasmus+ Inside Out: Growing Gender Awareness 2nd Edition – call for participants for training course in Budapest

The aim of the project is to increase gender awareness in activities with youngsters performed by social actors in Europe and third countries program. IOGGA2 is a Training Course that involves 7 partner organizations from 7 countries (Hungary, Estonia, Albania, Italy, Spain Azerbaijan and the State of Palestine). It will take place in Hungary in … Continued

My Personal Everest – training course in Kruja, Albania

My Personal Everest is a project composed by two Training Courses on art as a form of self-knowledge through self-expression and discovery of inner strength and skills as resilience, emotional competencies, and flexibility. The main idea of the project is that we all are artists because the process of Creation is something connected with us. We forgot … Continued

Leaders of Tomorrow – call for participants

“Leaders of Tomorrow” will provide an opportunity to develop in-depth knowledge about youth work and non-formal education, acquire methods and tools and improve social skills and employability. “Leaders of Tomorrow” is a 9-day Erasmus+ project. The project will provide opportunities for: Developing knowledge about youth work and non-formal education Improving social skills and employability Encouraging … Continued

International Day of Education

International Day of Education is observed every year on January 24 to celebrate the role of education for peace and development. The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed the day as International Day of Education on January 24, 2018. AsfarEurope believes that education has the power to reduce community conflict, xenophobia and through dialogue activities, promote … Continued

International Human rights day

Human Rights Day is observed by the international community every year on 10 December. It commemorates the day in 1948 the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. AsfarEurope believes that human rights have the power to tackle the root causes of conflict and crisis, so through non-formal learning activities, Asfar … Continued

All writers' views in articles are their own and do not necessarily represent the opinion of the AsfarEurope team.

Published by AsfarEurope in London, UK - ISSN 2055-7957 (Online)