My Personal Everest – training course in Kruja, Albania

My Personal Everest is a project composed by two Training Courses on art as a form of self-knowledge through self-expression and discovery of inner strength and skills as resilience, emotional competencies, and flexibility.

The main idea of the project is that we all are artists because the process of Creation is something connected with us. We forgot it and we tend to dismiss it because maybe our inner thoughts are telling us that art is not for us, that we are not good enough and many other devaluating whispers to our ears.

Art and creativity instead are fundamental as a way for self-discovery and self-expression. Especially in times like these ones, where we need more than ever to count on ourselves, and to find balance in ourselves and in our feelings.

The main reason why we want to carry out this project is the common concern about mental health issues arose more intensely during the pandemic. Worldwide we are assisting in a parallel silent pandemic, called demotivation, depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, eating disorders, hitting the population and mainly youth.

With our partners, we want to provide an answer to this situation and we believe that our project contains tools and methods able to reinforce and empower youth workers in their support work with young people.

So the project will meet a double need:

– Needs to reinforce the youth workers’ personal and professional competencies with new methods tailored to the discovery of self-care and the empowerment of inner competencies and of new tools and methods;

– Needs to reinforce and support, through this path, youth (indirect beneficiaries) facing the recent psychological diseases connected with the lack of emotional awareness, expression, contact, and emotional management.

Target group

28 participants 

youth workers, team leaders, trainers, facilitators, educators and teachers coming from Estonia and Hungary will be selected through this call. If you are coming from Albania, Italy, Portugal, Bulgaria and Germany, you can still get in touch to let you know about the selection procedure of your country.

If interested, apply here: until the 22nd October.

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Published by AsfarEurope in London, UK - ISSN 2055-7957 (Online)