Remembrance and Storytelling Panel Announcement: RESOLVE Network Conference 2024

Our second panel at the RESOLVE: Network Conference 2024 is all about “Remembrance and Storytelling” in reconciliation and peacebuilding. Join us as we explore how remembrance and narratives can be transformative tools for fostering peace and understanding in conflict-affected communities. Our panel sessions aim to identify and address barriers that remembrance and narratives can sometimes … Continued

Youth in Peacebuilding Panel Announcement: RESOLVE Network Conference 2024

Introducing the First Panel for the RESOLVE: Network Conference 2024: “Youth in Peacebuilding”! Acknowledging the significant potential of youth as catalysts for change, our session aims to examine practical strategies for implementing youth-led peacebuilding initiatives. Delegates will gain insights into fostering youth participation as future sectorial leaders, ensuring that peacebuilding efforts are effective and sustainable. … Continued

RESOLVE: Network Conference – Panels Revealed

The RESOLVE: Network Conference 2024 panels have just been announced: Are you passionate about peacebuilding and eager to make a difference? AsfarEurope’s and RESOLVE: Network’s dedicated young volunteers, in partnership other peacebuilding NGOs, are crafting a one-of-a-kind event filled with keynote speakers, practical activities and insightful learning sessions. Make sure to follow us and save … Continued

e-Journal Edition: August 2021

Dear Reader, This time we are paying tribute. I have heard people say that explaining Brexit using the example of Erasmus+ is a strange thing to do. And it may indeed be so, but my friend’s sister would probably disagree. OK, maybe this is not how she explains Brexit, but this is at least one … Continued

Education as Soft Power and Beyond

Education is a good thing. This is a generalisation, but one of the very few with which most people would agree. Now, what education delivered to whom, where and how are issues which have led to wars, both verbal and physical, both of epic scale. While, historically, contemplating these questions has been considered a male-brain … Continued

Aleksa Santic – Poet of the Balkan Soul, a Signpost of Unity

Introduction- Between Two Empires The city of Mostar first appeared in history books in 1474.[i] Its strategic location contributed to its fast development and expansion. From once a tiny kasaba (settlement), it has since developed into a strong economic and cultural centre. The city itself has a mixed demographic structure with Muslims, Eastern Orthodox and Catholics … Continued

A COVID-19 experience in Baku

Emina, International Project Manager at Asfar, spent early March 2020 in Baku and although only staying for a few days, she collected a lot of memories and specific learning experiences from this trip.  During this period, we were all learning how to live with the COVID-19 pandemic, having to literally change our behavior overnight – … Continued

e-Journal Edition: January 2021

Dear Reader, This time, I want to tell you about two events, one you are likely to be familiar with and the other not so much. Just over ten years ago Mohamed Bouazizi, a street vendor in Tunisia, set himself on fire in protest of poor living conditions, corruption and lack of freedoms in his … Continued

ALF Storytelling Workshop

Asfar is happy to invite young people from the UK to participate in our Storytelling workshop which will take place online, on the 23rd February 2021 through our ALF Global Learning through Digital Storytelling project. The focus of the project is to create a platform for powerful, critical and meaningful dialogues, which will inspire intercultural … Continued

UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – Introduction

As part of our new partner project ‘Global Learning through Digital Stories’, which is funded by the EU through the Anna Lindh Foundation, we will be sharing weekly posts about the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals! (SDGs) The aim of the project is to empower young people in their countries and other countries in Euro-Med … Continued

Gender inequality and the COVID-19 crisis

According to the United Nations Human Development Working Paper on ‘Gender inequality and the COVID-19 crisis: A Human Development perspective’, women are disproportionately affected by the Coronavirus Pandemic. The paper explains how ‘women make up more than 85% of nursing personnel and women make up almost half of doctors for all countries except those with … Continued

All writers' views in articles are their own and do not necessarily represent the opinion of the AsfarEurope team.

Published by AsfarEurope in London, UK - ISSN 2055-7957 (Online)