RESOLVE: Network Conference – Panels Revealed

The RESOLVE: Network Conference 2024 panels have just been announced: Are you passionate about peacebuilding and eager to make a difference? AsfarEurope’s and RESOLVE: Network’s dedicated young volunteers, in partnership other peacebuilding NGOs, are crafting a one-of-a-kind event filled with keynote speakers, practical activities and insightful learning sessions. Make sure to follow us and save … Continued

Education as Soft Power and Beyond

Education is a good thing. This is a generalisation, but one of the very few with which most people would agree. Now, what education delivered to whom, where and how are issues which have led to wars, both verbal and physical, both of epic scale. While, historically, contemplating these questions has been considered a male-brain … Continued

Aleksa Santic – Poet of the Balkan Soul, a Signpost of Unity

Introduction- Between Two Empires The city of Mostar first appeared in history books in 1474.[i] Its strategic location contributed to its fast development and expansion. From once a tiny kasaba (settlement), it has since developed into a strong economic and cultural centre. The city itself has a mixed demographic structure with Muslims, Eastern Orthodox and Catholics … Continued

A COVID-19 experience in Baku

Emina, International Project Manager at Asfar, spent early March 2020 in Baku and although only staying for a few days, she collected a lot of memories and specific learning experiences from this trip.  During this period, we were all learning how to live with the COVID-19 pandemic, having to literally change our behavior overnight – … Continued

Mount Trebević – Embracing Sarajevo

Can Mount Trebević, a favourite picnic area of many citizens of Sarajevo and host of the 1984 Winter Olympic Games, overcome its dark past of being one of the key positions which held Sarajevo in an almost 4-year long siege (the longest blockade of a capital in modern history)?   Mount Trebević, always known for its … Continued

A Difficult Road: Political Developments in Montenegro

Introduction The tiny nation of Montenegro underwent a drastic shift after the country’s eleventh parliamentary elections on 30th August 2020. The elections saw the end of a 30-year era in which the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) had held power, and the defeat of its increasingly-authoritarian President Milo Djukanović. Djukanović has been widely suspected of … Continued

Editorial note – August 2020

Dear Reader, It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to this new edition of the Asfar e-Journal. It has been a long 18 months which seem to have witnessed it all; indeed, many of us have already had enough of 2020. Undoubtedly, much has happened; yet, equally, some would claim not enough has … Continued

The Bridge under the Bridge

I have always had a fondness for the small town, greatly preferring it to the large city. I grew up in provincial England and have, perhaps, taken this bias towards towns with me to Bosnia and Herzegovina. As a foreigner in Bosnia, I live in Sarajevo and am, of course, extremely fond of that wonderful … Continued

All writers' views in articles are their own and do not necessarily represent the opinion of the AsfarEurope team.

Published by AsfarEurope in London, UK - ISSN 2055-7957 (Online)