Editorial Note – April 2015

Welcome to Asfar’s April 2015 edition of our e-Journal. We all hope you enjoy it! In this edition, you will discover 7 fascinating articles on a wide range of Middle Eastern subjects. Including: Marrakchef: Foodie Fusion Morrocco Interview with Antoine Ludovic by Joe Blood Islamic Revivalism: the case of Hassan Turabi and the Islamic state … Continued

Towards Togetherness: an interview with a British Sufi

  I sat down with Sufi and Co-Director of the Association of British Muslims, Paul Salahuddin Armstrong to ask him about Sufism, Islamophobia and Muslim responses to extremism.   Define your Sufism Sufism itself is not really the correct term. The original term is Tasawwuf (inwardness), and Tasawwuf is the traditional science of purification. It … Continued

Erasmus+ Inspire Europe, March 2015

March 2015, saw the first Asfar Erasmus+ Youth Exchange, Inspire Europe, occur in Istanbul, following over 6 months preparation to bring young people aged 18 to 30, together in a unique cultural and learning experience. 20 young people from the UK and Turkey, were able to meet, engage, learn about each other’s’ cultures, develop new … Continued

Islamic Revivalism: the case of Hassan Turabi and the Islamic state

The quest for providing a framework in which a modern Islamic state should assume, particularly along democratic lines, has long been a debate raging amongst Muslim scholars, religious jurists, liberal reformers, political figures and authors. This debate spurred the Islamic modernist movement of the nineteenth century with prominent figures such as Jamal al-Din al-Afghani, Muhammad … Continued

All writers' views in articles are their own and do not necessarily represent the opinion of the AsfarEurope team.

Published by AsfarEurope in London, UK - ISSN 2055-7957 (Online)