e-Journal Edition: January 2021

Dear Reader, This time, I want to tell you about two events, one you are likely to be familiar with and the other not so much. Just over ten years ago Mohamed Bouazizi, a street vendor in Tunisia, set himself on fire in protest of poor living conditions, corruption and lack of freedoms in his … Continued

A Line in the Sand: Jordan’s Water Crisis

You would not be able to tell unless you knew, of course. It does not matter where you are – in an air-conditioned hotel room; a pre-booked taxi or an Uber; a fancy restaurant hidden in lush greenery just off Al-Rainbow Street or in a falafel shop with plastic cutlery – but a bottle of … Continued

Editorial Note – November 2016

Welcome to the November 2016 issue of Asfar’s e-journal! This is my first issue since taking on the senior editor role, and what I have tried to achieve in this edition is a combination of thought-provoking, timely, and interesting articles produced by our loyal writers and editors – who I would like to thank for … Continued

All writers' views in articles are their own and do not necessarily represent the opinion of the AsfarEurope team.

Published by AsfarEurope in London, UK - ISSN 2055-7957 (Online)