Factional Fighting and the Future of the Iranian Presidency

The contemporary political landscape of Iran is characterised by a complex, even Byzantine, collection of intersecting factions and rivalries. There is a lack of formal political parties, as the term is understood in Western politics, largely because they have been banned. Instead shifting coalitions are focussed around the three main centres of power: the Ayatollah, … Continued

The Unintended Consequences of Economic Sanctions on Iran

Economic sanctions are not a new development inside Iran. The country has been faced with restrictions on trade and finance since the days of the Shah, and both the state and its people have learned to be stubbornly resourceful when facing shortages. Meanwhile western governments still find the imposition of sanctions appealing, as it allows … Continued

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Published by AsfarEurope in London, UK - ISSN 2055-7957 (Online)