Digital Talks: an interactive discussion on Sport for Development with Jason McKoy of Mercurial Sports

Tomorrow sees the return of Asfar’s Digital Talks!

Join us on Wednesday 2nd September at 5pm UK Time for an interactive discussion on Sport for Development with Jason McKoy of Mercurial Sports.

Jason has worked with Asfar on our projects in London and his introductions to Sports for Development have always been a favourite of our participants, we’re looking forward to this next activity!

To register, sign up here:

We can’t wait to welcome you back to our regular Digital Talks!

Jason McKoy is experienced enough to know what works — and what doesn’t — in the field of Sport for Development. His years of delivering high-impact programmes with offenders and at-risk young people give his opinion significant clout. His digital talk will look at Sport for Development in greater detail. What is it? How does it actually work? Where does it fall down? A former footballer, Jason worked for Street League, a national UK charity that uses football to help young people, before setting up Mercurial Sports. His work includes both domestic and international experience of using sport in a variety of ways to help both group and personal development.

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Published by AsfarEurope in London, UK - ISSN 2055-7957 (Online)