Creating a non-political space that promotes diversity, learning and tolerance – 2 months in Brčko

Over the course of two months I have been volunteering at a local youth centre in Brčko, in Bosnia and Herzegovina; my experience here has been brief, but has exceeded all my expectations.

As part of the Resolve network, our purpose here is to create a non-political space that promotes diversity, learning and tolerance. The picture above is from a weekly samba practice held every
Thursday evening; this and many other workshops are part of what we provide for the local community. Much of my work here has been with young people, I have had so much fun visiting local schools and running presentations on different aspects of life in the UK. These are always followed up by a Q&A session where the students have asked about everything from the Royal family to the Spice Girls.

Any anxiety I had about traveling to Bosnia, was quickly overcome as everyone I have met has been so welcoming and friendly. I was able make friends with other volunteers, who’ve helped me to travel on the weekends to places around B&H and Serbia, whether that be going on hikes, attending concerts or exploring art galleries and museums.

The recent conflicts in the Balkans are still fresh in the memories of many here and is often the first thing that comes to mind for many foreigners. But this is only a small part of the regions rich history and culture. It has been so rewarding to become a part of the ongoing peace process, and even though my contribution here has been small, my personal development has been deeply enriched
and I can’t recommend this experience more.

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Published by AsfarEurope in London, UK - ISSN 2055-7957 (Online)