Asfar is experienced at carrying out in-depth research both on an academic platform, as well as for social, economic and international reports. Furthermore, Asfar’s specialism in carrying our research for funding reports, as well as evaluation and monitoring of projects, socio-cultural-economic situations.

Asfar’s Research and Evaluation services include a broad range of evaluative reporting, social and economic research and reviewing programmes successes. Asfar specialises in creating innovative approaches to our partners and clients to gain the information they require and be able to assess key subjects. We offer a range of services including:

  • Research methods, both qualitative and quantitative
  • Evaluation and impact assessment
  • Self-Assessment Reports
  • Consultation, particularly with hard to reach groups
  • Social, Economical and International research
  • Focus groups and other participatory approaches to research and development
  • Competitor Analysis Reports
  • Project reviews
  • Feasibility studies, option analysis and business plans
  • Editorial services (copy editing, proofing, improving structure, flow and style and writing in plain English)

To learn more about our services, email to arrange a consultation.