Women Economic Empowerment
As part of Asfar’s 2017-2020 strategy, Women Economic Empowerment sits center-stage, alongside Sport for Peace and Child Marriage prevention programmes.
Asfar’s voluntary women’s group aims to address situations leading to Women economic dis-empowerment including: addressing girls and women’s education barriers, skills development and work-based experiences; preventing child marriage; and promoting gender equality aligning to Asfar’s SDG Manifesto.
Asfar will focus on the Caucasus, the Middle East and the Balkans over the next 5 years. Initially, Asfar’s projects will focus on Georgia, Azerbaijan and Turkey.
As part of this, Asfar’s voluntary women’s group is currently researching the current situation of Child Marriage in the Caucasus.
If you would like to get involved in this area email info@asfar.org.uk